First Aid Policy:
Medication and Illness:
The company has a responsibility for all First Aid staff to deal with any accidents. The staff have an up to date First Aid certificate. They are responsible for maintaining the correct contents of all First Aid boxes and administering basic First Aid when necessary and appropriate.
Duncan and the designated member of staff will ensure that there will always be at least one member of staff who has a current paediatric first aid certificate available at all times during workshops. The managing director will be responsible for enabling the members of staff concerned to receive first aid training. First Aid training will have met the criteria set out by the OFSTED.
The First Aid box will be regularly checked to ensure its contents are up to date, in good condition and fulfil the criteria set out in the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
The box should contain:
A card or leaflet giving general guidance Sterile triangular bandages
Adhesive plasters
A sterile eye pad with attachment Cotton wool
Crepe bandages
A sterile gauze
Micropore tape
Sterile cornering for serious wounds Individually wrapped assorted dressings Waterproof disposable gloves
A disposable bag for soiled material
Before doing first aid wash hands before and after, to ensure if you have any cuts to be covered by plasters or disposable gloves.
In the event of a major accident, incident or illness
The company requests that parents/carers complete and sign the emergency medical treatment form, enabling the manager or any member of staff so empowered, to give permission for emergency medical treatment for their child in the event of a major accident, incident or illness occurring at the club. In the event of such an event, the following procedures will apply: In the first instance, the first aider will be notified and take responsibility for deciding upon the appropriate action.
The first aider will assess the situation and decide whether the child needs to go straight to hospital or whether they can safely wait for their parent/carer to arrive.
If the child needs to go straight to hospital, an ambulance will be called. The parent/carer will also be contacted. A member of staff will accompany the child to the hospital and will consent to medical treatment being given,so long as the Emergency Medical Treatment Form has been completed and signed. If there are insufficient members of XYZ Music Academy staff to enable one to accompany the injured child to hospital, the school office will be contacted and the assistance of a member of the school staff will be requested.
Childrens records will be taken to the hospital with the child.
If the child does not need to go straight to hospital but their condition means they should go home, the parent/carer will be contacted and asked to collect their child. In the meantime, the child will be made as comfortable as possible and be kept under close supervision (from this point on, the provisions of the Infectious and Communicable Diseases policy will govern the child’s return to the company).
Parents/carers will be made aware of the details of any incidents involving their child’s health and safety, and any actions taken by the company and its staff.
All such accidents or incidents will be recorded in detail and logged in the Accident record book. Parents/carers will be asked to sign in the relevant section of the book to acknowledge the incident or accident and any taken by the company and its staff.
Duncan and other relevant members of staff should consider whether the accident or incident highlights any actual or potential weaknesses in the company’s policies or procedures, and act accordingly, making suitable adjustments where necessary. Ofsted will be informed within 14 days of any major injury or death of a child or adult that occurs at the setting.
In the first instance, the designated first aider will be notified and taken responsibility for deciding upon any appropriate action
If the child does not need hospital treatment and is judged to be able to safely remain at the club, the first aider treats the injury/illness themselves.
If and when the child is feeling sufficiently better, they will be resettled back into the activities, but will be kept under close supervision for the remainder of the session till parents/carer arrive.
If the injury or illness incurred is such that treatment by the first aider is deemed inappropriate, but does not warrant hospitalisation, the parent/carer will be contacted immediately and asked to collect their child. Until the parent/carer arrives, the child will be kept under close supervision and as comfortable as possible (from this point om, the provisions of the Infectious and Communicable Diseases policy will govern the child’s return to the company).
Wherever possible, children who are prescribed medication should receive their dose at home. Parents/carers and staff should discuss such situations at the earliest possible opportunity and decide together on the best course of action. Before giving medication the parent/carer must fill out a consent form with the information e.g. name of medication how many times a day and how much. The manager must check the medication before agreeing as the pharmacy logo and childs name should be on the box/bottle. If medication is on school grounds we may collect from the office. If for any reason a child refuses to take their medication, staff will not attempt to force them to do so against their wishes. If and when such a situation occurs, Duncan and the child’s parent/carer will be notified, and the incident recorded in the Medication Record Book.
The company recommends that staff hold onto the medication until it is required. This is to minimise possible loss of medication and to ensure the safety of other children. Any inhalers or epipen should be labelled with the child’s name ( this is always kept in a locked cupboard and are returned at the end of the school year).
If there is any change in the type of medication – whether regarding dosage or other changes to the information given on the Administering Medication Form – a new form must be completed.
Any children/staff with sickness must allow 48 hours.
Infection and communicable diseases
In accordance with the procedures set out in the Health, Illness and Emergency policy, parents/carers will be notified immediately if their child has become ill and needs to go home. Poorly children will be comforted, kept safe and under close supervision until they are collected.
If a child or member of staff becomes ill outside company hours, they should notify XYZ Music Academy as soon as possible. If any infectious or communicable disease is detected on the company’s premises, XYZ Music Academy will inform parents/carers personally in writing as soon as possible. XYZ Music Academy is committed to sharing as much information as possible about the source of the disease and the steps being taken to remove it. Ofsted and P.H.E will also be informed of any infectious or communicable diseases discovered on the company’s premises.
PPE to be worn whilst doing first aid – mask, gloves and apron.
Once first aid has been done PPE must be thrown away into the bin. If the child has symptoms they must be isolated until the parent / carer arrives.
Once a child has safely gone home the area must be cleaned down.
Head Lice
When a case of head lice is discovered at the XYZ Music Academy, the situation will be handled carefully and safely. The child concerned will not be isolated from other children, and there is no need for them to be excluded from activities or sessions. When the child concerned is collected, their parent/carer will be informed in a sensitive manner.
Other parents/carers will be informed as quickly as possible in writing, including advice and guidance on treating head lice. Staff will check themselves regularly for lice and treat whenever necessary.