Exams At XYZ

XYZ is proud to enter our students into grade exams of two of the largest examination boards for music in the UK: Trinity College London and RSL Awards. Whilst you may not be a student at XYZ, you may find yourself at our premises since we also host many public exam days for Trinity College London.

Address: Building 14 Venture Park, Westcott HP18 0XB

Trinity College

Trinity College London Logo

“Our graded music exams offer the choice and flexibility to allow candidates to play to their strengths, enabling them to gain recognition for their own unique skills as performers.”

RSL Awards

Rockschool Logo

“Rockschool music qualifications are tailor-made for the contemporary musician. Ranging from introductory grades all the way up to university-level degrees – we ensure your hard work is rewarded by a valuable qualification regardless of your age or musical ability.”

Trinity Rock and Pop Exam Dates

TermExam DatesClosing Dates
Spring24th March - 26th March 2024Booking Closed
Summer14th July - 16th July 2024Booking Closed
Winter15 December - 17th December 202422nd October 2024

RSL Awards Exam Dates

TermExam DatesClosing Date
Term A19th February - 14th April 2024Booking Closed
Term B13th May - 31st July 2024Booking Closed
Term C28th October - 21st December 202421st October 2024
Studio A | 2021
Studio A | 2021
Studio A | 2021
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