Staff Policy:

Equal Opportunities:

It is the policy of our company not to discriminate against employees or applicants on the basis of race, colour, national origin, sex, age, religion or marital status or the presence of any physical or mental disability ( provided that such disability does not affect their ability to do the job) with respect to the recruitment, hiring, training, promotion and any other areas of employment.


Any form of harassment will not be tolerated by any employee and all accusations of harassment will be taken seriously and investigated fully. Anyone found guilty of harassment or intimidation risks loss of employment.

Drugs and Alcohol:

All employees if caught under the influence of drugs or alcohol whilst on site will be immediately sent home and a meeting set up with Duncan and the HR Officer.


Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the workplace.

Severe weather:

In the event that the XYZ Music Academy is closed due to severe weather conditions, Duncan will contact all members of staff as soon as they can. If a member of staff cannot get to work due to weather conditions they need to contact a member of the management team as soon as possible explaining why they can’t get to work.

Dress and Appearance:

All staff are expected to look clean and neat and clothing should be job appropriate. Provided uniform should be worn at all times. Exceptions are allowed during extreme weather.


As part of your contract all staff must complete any training and to be done within a time scale. However if the training has not been completed within the time scale you would be unable to come into work until the training has been completed and will be unpaid for absence.

The club is committed to ensuring that it meets its responsibilities in respect of child protection through the provision of support and training to staff. Therefore, the club will ensure that:

All staff, students and volunteers are carefully recruited, have verified references and have full and up to date Criminal Record Bureau checks.

All staff and volunteers are given a copy of the safeguarding Children/Child Protection Policy during their induction, and have its implications explained to them.

All staff and volunteers receive regular training and supervision in child protection issues and are provided with any relevant information and guidance.

All staff are provided with supervision and management support commensurate with their responsibilities in relation to child protection, and their requirement to maintain caring and safe relationships with children.

All staff are aware of main indicators of child abuse.

All staff are aware of their statutory requirements in respect of the disclosure or discovery of child abuse and the procedures for doing so. All students and volunteers are instructed to report the disclosure or discovery of abuse to Duncan or the HR Officer

The club will take appropriate action in relation to the findings of any investigation into allegations of abuse, consistent with its duties to protect the safety of children and uphold fair processes for staff, students and volunteers.

Any member of staff, a student or volunteer under investigation for the alleged abuse of a child, will be subject to the provisions of the Staff Disciplinary Policy.


All employees are expected to turn up at the right time that is stated in their contracts. If an employee is expecting to be late for work then they are to ring in advance where possible to give an estimated time of arrival.
Repeated lateness will mean a meeting will be set up between the manager and employee to try to resolve any problems that may be causing the lateness. If lateness still occurs then pay will be deducted from wages to reflect the time the employee has been late. However, a verbal warning will be given.


All employees if they become ill or are injured and are unable to work should contact the manager as soon as they are able. They should state the nature of the illness or injury, how long they expect to be off for and if they have received any medical intervention. If length of time off is not known then they should ring every morning on the days they will not be attending work, Except where a long term absence is expected then they should make regular contact with the manager and sick notes are required for long term absence. If an employee is still at work then it will be accessed by the employee and manager if they need to go home immediately. Any injury that happens on site will be recorded in the accident book along with any treatment received and then the incident will be accessed as to if work can continue or the employee needs to be sent home.


Please keep all health records up to date especially if new health issues arise. If XYZ Music Academy have any concerns about your health and have not been disclosed then this will be put forward to occupational health to be assessed and if appropriate to work. Depending on the outcome your hours might change or termination of contract.


Bi annual reviews are done every six months. If any issues arise then these reviews will happen more frequently.

Privacy/ Personnel records:

All private or personnel records are kept in a lock filing cabinet and should only be accessed by appropriate members of staff. Documentation about the children that attend and their families is confidential and should not be discussed with anyone outside work.. Misconduct


Any verbal or written warning will be kept in a file, pending on what the conduct is and could lead to be placed into your personal file. Only two verbal warnings will be given. If two are given with the same reason there will be a written warning given if within a 4 month time scale of the date issued.


First written warning ( 6 month time scale from the date issued ) Final written warning ( 12 month time scale from the date issued ) Dismissal

A record of any disciplinary action taken will be kept on file and kept for 5 years after they leave.
ACAS phone number 0300 123 1100. 


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